Neo-Marxist Fascist?
Conservative radio talk show host Michael Savage says Obama is a Neo-Marxist Fascist. What does he mean?
When I was growing up I learned that Fascists were the extrema right wing and Marxist were the extrema left wing and sane people stuck to the center. How can any one be both at the same time?
Is Michael Savage saying anything? Or is he simply stringing as many inflammatory phrases as he can together with no regard for their meaning?
I'll have to go read the definitions and think about this-what about Jonah Goldbergs Book-
"Liberal Fascism" ?
The big difference between "Neo-marxist fascism" and "Liberal Fascism" is that the former emphasises the alleged identity between marxism and fascism, while the latter emphasises the shift of semantics of the word "liberal". At least in Europe. Dunno about the US (and frankly, couldn't care less).
Marxism is not the extrema left wing of nothing. Extrema left wing people could have plundered from marxism, but the right way we should refer to these is with other words (like communism, which is an abuse of the original word meaning anyway, and so on), since "marxism" is more philosophy than practice.
Anyway times are changed and cathegories like "communist" and "fascist" are just "suggestions" of what we are dealing with, but they aren't able to grasp the contemporary trend of the facts and ideologies (that de facto are somthing new, even though inspired, as usual, by what came before).
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